Originally written in Spanish. Translated by Yann2.
Hello Slowly Community!
A few months ago my daughter told me about this application, and after seeing some positive comments, I said to myself «why not!»
Although I have only recently become part of this great community, I feel very comfortable in it. I have made many friends from different countries around the world, and it is proving to be an enriching and highly recommendable experience.
I would like to thank the Slowly Team for having opened this window of communication, to which many of us have had access during this time marked by the pandemic, and which has allowed us to see how much human beings have in common. We are affected and saddened by the same things, we are moved by the altruistic behavior we have seen in these days, showing us that it is worth living life with joy, despite the difficulties that may arise. And in short, there are many more things at the root that unite us than the superficial things that separate us.
Thank you Slowly!
And to add my own contribution, I have started with my SF’s (Slowly Friends) a couple of projects.
One is, «to cooperate and grow our stamp collections» 🙂, and to share tips that some veterans of the community kindly revealed to us newcomers 😉, so that we can enrich that little work of art that is the collection. And at this point, I thank my «pro-friend» Yann2 who has suggested several tips that I have shared with other friends. Because at the end of the day, there is a community — «of sharing».
And my other project, has to do with my desire to learn from other cultures and to leave something of my own in my friends’ houses. I have channeled this feeling through the «exchange of recipes with my SF’s». Those recipes that we normally prepare at home, and that we have been used to since our childhood.
I believe that the favorite foods say a lot about each culture, their ingredients tell us about what is abundant in that place, their spices tell us about the vibrant nature of each country. From their aromas we can imagine the fragrant atmosphere that is breathed in their villages at mealtimes. And in short, it is a link with our friends. When I prepare and taste their recipes, it is as if I were sharing a moment of gathering around their table, savoring that «Slowly menu» with them. Simply vivid and spectacular!
I am also excited to receive their comments when they prepare my recipes with their families, when they tell me about the personal touches they have given to them and send me some pictures of their accomplishments. A Vietnamese friend told me one day, that in her country to prepare and serve a meal is to give love to your loved ones. And it really is like that, because a dish prepared without emotion sincerely does not have the same aroma and taste, as the one prepared with that feeling.
Thank you very much to all my friends in the kitchen!
And to finish this letter, I propose a heartfelt toast to the health of the entire Slowly Community!!!!
Salud! Cheers! Salute! 乾杯 Prost! 干杯 Chin-chin! Наздраве! Santé! לחיים! Saúde! Skål! Будем здоровы! Živjeli! स्वास्थ्य टोस्ट Sei gesund! Şerefe! الصحة نخب
(and sorry, because I probably have many languages left in the inkwell)